Nordic Knowledge Hub: Gender & Climate 🌍🤝🌱

In 2022, Nordic ministers prioritized understanding the connection between gender and climate. Supported by Nordic governments, they created a knowledge hub focusing on gender equality in green jobs, energy, consumption, the blue and green economy, and climate policy:

A Green and Gender-equal Nordic Region

Nordic Knowledge Hub – A Green and Gender-equal Nordic Region

Climate policy and its impact on society are not gender-neutral. The research presented in the knowledge hub highlights distinct differences in how women and men are affected by climate policies and their roles in addressing environmental challenges:

  1. 🏭🚹👷♂️ Men are overrepresented in polluting industries such as transportation, energy, agriculture, and construction. The transition in these industries has the greatest impact on men’s working lives. Women in these sectors face a significant challenge in retraining or upskilling to avoid job loss.
  2. ♀️♂️🌿🌍 Women are more engaged in climate issues than men, but men hold greater influence in the industries critical for addressing climate problems. Greater gender equality is needed in green jobs and the energy sector to fully leverage their innovation potential.
  3. 🥦🚗💼 Men generally have a larger carbon footprint than women, especially in terms of food consumption and transportation. To tackle climate change, lifestyle and behavioral changes are necessary, which could be a way to reduce the gender gap in climate impact.

The research from this knowledge hub underscores that climate policy and its ramifications extend beyond neutrality in terms of gender. It calls for concerted efforts to promote equality, instigate sustainable practices, and foster collaboration between genders in the pursuit of a greener, more equitable future. 🌍🤝🌱

Explore vital insights at Nordic Insights, your gateway to understanding green transition, consumption, and climate change. Arm yourself with knowledge to make informed decisions and contribute to a sustainable future.🌱

Join us tomorrow and discover Explore vital insights at Nordic Insights, your gateway to understanding green transition, consumption, and climate change. Arm yourself with knowledge to make informed decisions and contribute to a sustainable future.

#SustainableLiving 🌱 #EcoFootprint 🌍 #GenderEquality🎄

Warmest Christmas Wishes!

Torfi and Ulla

Categories: Society


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